Thursday, April 2, 2015

Believe it, what you are seeing here is real - 2

They did not give a single thing to support why should those Shia in Yemen deserve to be treated different than any other internal opposition and be attacked by the Saudi coalition in their own country. Even if we ignore the question of what is there to support considering them like ISIS, I don't remember ISIS itself being attacked by an external military before they proceeded to invade and occupy a substantial territory in Iraq. That did not happen to them in Syria despite taking over and keeping under their control Syrian cities for a long time. As for whatever length of time Hizb-Allah interfered, and regardless of whatever attacks happened by ISIS inside Lebanon trying to drag it into the conflict, at least those were militia not the fighter air planes or military machinery coming from Iran, or any other country to attack ISIS. 

Despite the occupation of ISIS to significant Iraqi territory it was again fought back by a militia not air planes or military machinery crossing the border from Iran. Moreover, that militia itself, Badr brigade, originally the force of the assassinated Iraqi opposition Al Hakim, according to what I knew from a long time ago, is generally comprised from Iraqis who were oppositions from Iran or those deported by Saddam not Iranians. 

Lets also not forget how the Saudis sent their army to suppress the civilian Shia in Bahrain before any of this happened.

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