Monday, August 12, 2013

The attack in Boston

Speaking about framing I would be very surprised if the Russian government had no hands behind the attack in Boston. The picture that seems to make considerably more sense than the alternative is that the attackers were part of a plan to frame Chechen refugees because the leadership in Russia did not like that this country takes Chechen refugees. From the first few days information about the attackers started to appear in the media ,the role played by the two as religious persons was never convincing neither in Al Qaida like way or any other way. Also, the action is suspicious because
1- Absence of any motivation or something that could make someone angry to do that. Why would someone from Chechnya want to kill people here.
2- To the best of my knowledge those who do such attacks among refugees brought here are not only low percentage wise but there are zero examples of them.
3-I did not spend time researching how morally the Chechen fighters fight the Russian government but I ,and probably also some others, remember the story of those Chechen women who held a big number of hostages inside a subway or similar place in Russia. The Russian forces used gas and hostages were all freed. The women who were holding them hostages were all found dead because of the gas while what appear to be explosive belts are still rapped around them not used. No hostage was killed or injured by those Chechen women by explosive, shooting or any other method. Based on how that sample show how they fight their main enemy, how probable that someone from them would want to put explosives here to kill people running a marathon?
4- The timing of the event after one of the attackers obtained citizenship sound very much like an intentional attempt to say look no matter what those people cannot be trusted.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Interesting sign about that video

Beside what was mentioned in the previous post there is this additional sign. This sign is interesting because it is by itself a combination of different things.

At first I did not think of the police chief complaining that the school bus driver did not check on the beaten boy other than probably a disguise but later it showed a depth potential deeper than that. I remember a soccer commentator where I came from who used to get exited when a player interrupt the passing of the ball from the opposing team while at the same time he passes the ball to a partner in his team with the that same move. It seems that there is something similar to that here. By attacking the school bus driver for not checking on the beaten boy even after the attack ,the police chief could be not only defending the plan through a disguise but also by that same attack on the school bus driver he could be providing a support for the school bus driver in that he was unable to verify whether the attack on the boy was real or fake because he did not check on the boy to see the rusting injuries.

This connect well with the driver saying that beaten boy skedaddled from the bus. That imply the supposedly beaten boy passed fast and the school bus driver did not have enough time to see the injuries of the boy.

To increase the clarity of this picture notice how the school bus driver was shouting while he stood in his place as if he was tied to his place which support a defence that he did not come close to see what was really going on. Also notice how the other boys in the bus stayed in their place and how the attackers covered most of the scene with their bodies.

Having said that, notice that I have no interest in denying such thing if real and wouldn't hesitate for one second n choosing between the aggressor side and the victim side. But I see a  probability that some are playing a game and that is why I wrote about the subject.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Some of the signs on that video

Sometimes one could be very sure of something but explaining the whole picture and/or some fundamental level make explaining why a time consuming task to do. Explaining why I see that the recent video of the school bus beating in Florida is more probably a fake show than a real event does not seem to require that kind of effort. So why not balance some of the assumption of objectivity with a showing of objectivity?

Hear are some of the things that why I think that video is more probably a fake show than a real event :

1- The shouting of the driver "leave the boy alone" did not sound like a shouting of someone watching a real event.

2-The beginning of the attack happened in away as if it was intended for the boy being beaten to hide from vision behind the seat as soon as possible.

3-The shouting of the boy close to the end of that beating did not fit with that of someone suffering such vicious beating ,or even any real beating at all, and was as if someone trying to compensate the lack of an image with a voice.

4-The reactions from other boys in the bus in general did not seem to fit with that of someone looking at that event as a real fight.

5-The injuries mentioned do not seem to be enough for the severity of the beating shown

6-The injuries mentioned resulting from that beating (two black eyes and a fractured or broken bone) do not seem to fit well with the position the attacked boy took. When an attacked person goes down trying to take a defensive position as that video seems to be suggesting then the normal defensive position seems to be to protect the head using the arms so why would he suffer two black eyes? Why only one fractured or broken bone and less injuries to the body comparison with the head in general? How could all that kicking lead to more black eyes instead of more broken bones and sever bruises?

7-The event supposedly happened at July 9 but the video did not surface until lately which gives time as an argument against whether the injuries really happened or not, or ,as a lesser probability, to choose a person to whom these injuries happened for some other reason then use that to make this claim.

8-Based on my search I think a video taken from the back of the bus where bodies of the attackers hide the victim surfaced first then a surveillance video from the front containing very blurry images.

9-The only clear front video(s) for the attack I could found shows the beating from after the beaten boy was hidden behind the seats.

10-Things were arranged as if for the bus driver to participate in the show without any legal responsibilities. He even claimed that the boy skedaddled out of the bus (after all that beating?) which provide an answer for why he did not check on the boy.

11-The police chief questioned why after the beating the driver did not check on the "children" instead of the "child" which supports knowledge that the action was a group show. With such a vicious attack ,if real, the attackers and the victim should be very far from being seen as one especially when it comes to the injury consequences of such attack.

12- What could support the point above even more is that the police chief came back to correct that mistake as if he recognized the significance of what it can reveal and said "..or the child in this case" or something similar to that.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The video of beating in the school bus in Florida

I try to point to the guilty regardless of whoever or from wherever he/she is or belongs to. Nevertheless I think that there are enough things in front of me to make me at least require some other signs to prove that fight was a real thing and not a fake show as some signs out there seems to indicate. That show seems to be produced in relation to the Zimmerman's case.  
By the way, speaking about fake shows , I wonder how many thought the situation with Paula Deen
was real not fake and she was acting? I don't mean that her apology was not sincere ,I mean that the whole problem was manufactured or magnified to create a situation in which she was a participating actor to begin with.  

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sorry, not for me

All those who think that I would willingly surrender to the shame of immorality of accepting and treating this trial as a real process in the justice system of this country in exchange for pleasing them are only dreaming. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Prove your case

I think that some of the energy in the demonstrations related to that case could have been employed for something that could better serve the case like the polling I mentioned in a previous post. 
Again, I believe the verdict of this trial ,and I emphasize that is related to only the verdict not the events that led to the death that was the subject of that trial, was at the root the result of corruption and preparation of jury for the defendant, not racism . I think that a polling like the one I described in that post (or any equivalent one) will strengthen the proof of that much further.
The point is whatever your case is you need to present it as much as possible in an undeniable form. Even if you do not want to prosecute ,proving your case doesn't mean you necessarily want to prosecute or do not want to forgive. Prove your case then forgive as much as you want (of whatever you have the right to forgive). Proving your case could at least have the benefit of strengthening your position for similar situations in the future in demanding a much better transparency because the system can not be trusted.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Courts of past centuries in present day

Like similar other things, I don't understand this insistence on limiting court's capabilities as if they are courts of centuries in the past. What prevents from video recording all court procedures for a review by higher courts in case they want to do that? Why the record kept is only what is generated by the court's reporter? Also why not video recording jury deliberations? What is so bad in that? They are discussing things not having an orgy? Such recoding can be,for example, reviewed if sufficient suspicion arise whether the juries put a serious effort to discuss the case or not. All these recordings can ,of course, be done while hiding the identities of those recorded. Imitating people who did not have any of these capabilities at their time doesn't make any sense.

All available means that could help in the establishment of a better justice system should be applied. Those who establish the root of the justice system of this country  were using whatever available to them and we can be more like them if we also use whatever available to us rather than just using what they were using. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bringing corruption closer to sunlight

Here is a one of the best ways I can think of to fight back corruption and games played on the system in this case and similar cases. Polling all those who are in the initial jury pool from which juries are selected or polling all those at or above the minimum age for jury service in the area from which juries could be called for service to that court can show us how much did the verdict of those six juries was in line with or diverged from the bigger group. That could cast the best light on how truly those juries were selected through a fair process. The polling needs only to contain one question about what would have the polled person voted had he/she been a member of that jury, guilty, not guilty or neither. Signatures of those polled should be included in addition to their names. The whole list should then be made accessible through the web so that those polled can make sure that no change happened to the votes they selected.

Despite the fact that they constructed a jury with the minimum number of persons, still, let's see what is the probability of selecting that number of juries without any one of them voting guilty or staying neutral from the first attempt.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Superficial Implementation

The trial was a fake show played in front of the whole nation and the jury was prepared for the defendant. Even the acting of the players was not that good. Any justices system implemented in such a naive way is a joke.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Racism demonstrations

For the people demonstrating against racism, if you denied OJ's guilt then you most probably are also demonstrating against yourself.

I am equally on the side of all victims and do not respect any standard lower than that.

I still don't understand this

In general, I still don't understand how starting from established guilt of a murder which a defendant seeks to justify with a claim of self defense, especially when the defendant inexcusably created an environment that caused the murder, is legally treated the same way as starting from a presumed innocence in trying to prove a defendant committed a murder?

Why was the first judge removed?

Look under "Removal of Judge Lester" here

So was the reaction of the judge far enough from what other judges may do in the
same situation to remove him or the corruption investigation should include the appeal court?

Standing on its own

Assuming that someone could convince me that the defendant was really not guilty
I would still  continue being on the position that the trial was fake and the jury was prepared for the defendant because it is a separate issue standing on it own.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Here is a test

Go to the initial pool of  juries from which all the juries for cases in that court get selected. Then start taking random sampling and ask them if they would have voted the same way the juries in this case did. Then based on that calculate the probability that real random selection of six juries would lead to none of them would vote guilty or remains neutral.

Anyone can do similar sampling by looking at opinions of different people. The general opinions I saw does not support that there is good chance for a six persons all of them would vote not guilty in that case with random selection.

Another reason for sequestering the jury and the defense's opining joke of "Zimmerman who?  Good you are on the jury" could be a way to preemptively answer the results of such sampling by suggesting that public opinions are influenced by the media and therefore cant be counted on which is a joke.

Whether to preemptively counteract a general opinion and/or just to hide more a connection and/or preparation of the jury for the defendant,the exaggeration level the defense took with that joke was clear. That exaggeration or unnecessary addition that seems for defensive purpose can be noticed through two paths, the action itself and the
kind of action taken. The defense could have stated that the jury did not have a relationship with the defendant, and that is a reasonable statement on its face, but still one may wonder what made him emphasize that thing. But the defense did not limit himself to that level to achieve his purpose but took the exaggeration level of the joke mentioned above.Who would answer "Zimmerman who" with a case with such publicity? Assuming you could get a jury who would answer "Zimmerman who" what are the chances that you achieved that without sacrificing other things that may not be easily found in people living in a closed box suggested by such answer? Moreover, the general public opinion was clearly against the defendant so why would the prosecutor agree with you on such sacrifices unless he is on your side and part of the plan?

Also, I am not sure if his statement of  "Good you are on the jury" or something similar to that should be understood as an admission that that condition existed in the juries but if it was then for what purpose a lawyer would make such a voluntary admission other than to defend against a connection to the jury and/or prepare for a result he knew the jury was prepared to deliver?

Friday, July 19, 2013

Sorry,a totalitarian system is required

I came from where if people were enslaved it is by no choice. That is why any entity thinks that I would willingly allow it to enslave my mind by accepting
the fake world of that trial as the real world is only dreaming.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Big Shame

It is enough to deal with the self originating immorality of a jury like that which happened with the OJ case and we do not need to add to it corruption of the system.
If it sounds to you that I make strange combinations then know that is because I see all those who suffer injustice in one camp while those who commit the injustice in another.

It is a big shame that trial was displayed as a real thing and treated as a real thing in front of the whole nation. I doubt that those who have the authority to investigate such things are not doing that because they aren't themselves infiltrated with related corruption.

This is about how no one should be allowed to create and replace the real thing with a corruption while the nation watches that and tolerate it.

Jury sequestration

Jury sequestration could have been ordered to serve as a good excuse to end the trial fast. That in turn could serve as a reason why not to start with a 12 juries instead of 6 while the real reason is the more difficulty to prepare 12 juries for the defendant and pass them through the system in addition to the increased probability that one of them may change mind and not follow the plan and in turn leads to hung jury then to a new jury and starting a new process of preparing new jury for the defendant.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

More emphasizing and definition for my stand

Also, the trial was just a show and participants (judge, defense, defendant and prosecutor) were making that show and/or knew they were in a show only and
not a real trial.

Monday, July 15, 2013

You can take this to the bank

The  jury in that case was not real. The jury was prepared for the defendant.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Safeguarding my freedom of expression

In order to protect my freedom of expression I reserved an address on the web I can use if I want to.

That address is: 
It is currently empty.

A fake show is only a fake show

If only it were convincing to others watching the defense could have spent the time talking about sports or reading newspapers and the juries would still have not found the defendant guilty.

The jury, judge, defense and prosecutor are all most probably involved and should be prosecuted.

I have many criticisms for the justice system here but did it fail in this case as some have said?If you don't include protecting the justice system itself as part of the justice system and by failure you mean that it was not sufficient to convict the defendant then the answer is no. The answer is no because it was not used and this was just a fake show played over a system that was intended to operate in good faith environments.

Like any bad TV show

I said and repeated that that trial is fake. It was just a show, and not even a good one, and things were already arranged from inside. I had my suspicions from the beginning but I did not say anything until I accumulated enough signs. The jury was already contacted.

As for the request for man slaughter definition , that was just a game by the jury to hide its real intention and so was most probably the judge's decision to sequester the juries.

What about the judge's decisions to allow some evidences while preventing others? They are also..yes,you guessed it..fake intended to strengthen the image of a real trial and real court. The defendant wouldn't have been convicted regardless.

This was the result of a corruption. Otherwise, this country is filled with people who strongly refuse what happened to the victim here.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Shocked at first

Back at OJ's murder case I used to get shocked and become too much emotionally involved at the disregard of justice and denial along a group line I saw.  Now, I know much more better about this very wide spread complex of establishing group identity in this country and no longer surprised by the moral abyss to which it drives so many people here.

Let me tell you something. If you feel that standing for justice conflict with your group identity then you need to know that you are messed up psychologically in this matter because it is not supposed to.

This kind of justice system encourages crime

You cannot always avoid falling from a cliff by going as far as you want in the opposite direction. Some times you have to walk very fine line between two very dangerous sides. When you already have a beyond reasonable doubt established crime that is being challenged by a self defense claim or at least like this one you don't have as much back yard to retreat and avoid judgment similar to when you don't have an established crime. In cases like this anything given to one side is taken from the other side and your judgment line will be drawn on the life and value of life of those involved and not on any empty area in which there is a safe choice of avoidance. I said "like this" above because in some other cases the one making the self defense claim may argue that he did not choose to put himself in the situation that led to the attack and therefore shouldn't be held to a different standard.

I actually think of the dealing with the whole justice system like that of walking a fine with a deep valley on both sides but it made even more sense in a case like this. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

If you wonder why

If you wonder why I speak against one person on one blog while speaking for a person of the same race group on another then you need to teach yourself better how to hold everyone responsible to only his own actions and choices.

So what about some generalization talk I did? If you took that to mean when applying justice I would assume guilt on an individual level then you need to check your moral standards again. You may hear me say the worst kind of hate speech on earth and I would still not be an inch closer to do injustice because of whatever made me make that kind of hate speech. That was intended to show you separate domains for those two different things and not an admission of guilt.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What is included under the "reasonableness"

Even if you are going to use the beyond reasonable doubt standard, does the reasonableness also applies on the difference between proving whether someone committed a murder or not in comparison with proving defendant's claim as a reason for a murder he committed is false especially when that person unjustifiably chose to put himself in an environment that was a reason for the kind of interaction that happened?

In any case, I don't feel much faith in that there is an honest trial there related to that case in Florida. In fact, because of some signs and reasons, I have doubts that this trial is anything more than a show. Sufficient transparency in showing a real random selection of the initial jury pool and to whom they remained accessible along every step of the way to the time they make their decision with a proven best effort by the prosecution side to select just juries could have substantially helped in showing the honesty of the trial. Otherwise, trusting that every thing is going fairly in a case like this is like trusting that Saddam really conducted a fair election without watching every step of the way.

There is a well connected picture suggesting that this trial is fake.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lets take another look at the issue

Lets take another look at the issue in the previous post.

We know that A killed B. A claims self defence. In another word A claims that B committed a guilt of attacking him in a way that justified a fatal response.

Now,if we want to apply the beyond reasonable doubt (or at least according to the way it seems to be taken) shouldn't we also apply it on A's claim of B's action that justified
a fatal response? If A's guilt in killing B can be proved only by proving beyond reasonable doubt that it was not because of self defence then it means that it is enough for just any reasonable doubt to prove that B is guilty of what A claims justified killing him which is lower than any known kind of standard of proof.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Wrong application for the beyond reasonable doubt standard?

I have recently noticed what seems to be a wrong application for that standard that is different from known objections related to abusing it and the like. I wonder how those professionals in criminal law may answer it. Here is my point:

The purpose of the standard seems to be clear in that since every person is innocent by default there is a need to be sure of his guilt before incriminating him. That may make sense when person A is being charged with killing person B and there is a need for being sure that he committed that act.But what about situations where it is an established fact that person A killed person B?Would that standard still make sense applied on challenging A's argument that the killing of B was in self defence?

Before whatever actions A claims B took that made him kill B in self defence, we are sure that killing B was a crime. That means we are at the starting point sure that A committed a crime and therefore the burden shift to him to show that it was not a crime. Even if you don't want to require that A makes beyond reasonable doubt argument justifying his killing of B, and I don't know how just that would be, it should still be higher than just making a reasonable doubt on the opposite side's argument that A's claim of self defence killing is false. Otherwise you, as it seems to me, would be empowering easy killing of people. That seems to be especially true in situations where the killer put himself or force a situation on a victim like that case in Florida according to what I currently know.

Let us express that in another way:
Look at this statement:

Did A kill B?

Since we start from the point of being sure of A's innocence (as it is for any person by default) then one needs to remove all reasonable doubts that A's committed the crime in order to move him from the state of certainty  of innocence to that of certainty that he committed the crime.

Now look at this statement:

Was A's killing of B for self defence?

In this case we start from being sure that A committed a crime by killing B. A needs to counteract that certainty with something to undo it. what is not clear to me is how could  reasonable doubt in negating the self defence claim suffice to undo the initial certainty of A's crime in killing B. That may deserve even more attention as much as it was A's choice in making and creating the situation in which ,or even more deserving, because of which the killing occurred.