Thursday, August 7, 2014

Those who preferred the sewer

And no, I am not referring to those turtles here.
I once told this hedge fund guy on a stock message board that, because of the ways he is coming from everywhere, I am afraid that one time I will open the toilet lid and see him inside. While he certainly cant physically fit there he nevertheless found a way to bring himself to be in an equivalent position. Anyway, everyone positions himself where he thinks he belongs. Unfortunately he was also able to drag so many followers with him to that same position making them in addition to sinking morally like him also sink intelligently. They sank at all the levels of what, where and how. They probably thought that since I do not spend my time complaining about the discrimination I see then it is reasonable to even judge the trivial claims on me in the environment where I live through any trivial means provided and for no worthy purpose. They assumed conclusions not necessarily implied by what is being conveyed which they also failed to see if it is equivalent to what they understand.Yet they did not recognize that sinking of them and instead thought that the other side should explain himself to them. But to my surprise that was not the whole story here. To my even bigger unexpected surprise, it appears that when the hedge fund guy felt failure despite sinking to that level he was able to turn that around by making a theory its acceptance despite its dependence on converting the positive to negative and lack of making sense showed astonishing levels of shallowness here.
[(Added 8/12/2014) Notice that I used "it appears" there not to express closeness in discovery time because I know much of what this guy does as he do them]

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