Tuesday, February 6, 2018


After I saw the movie "The Apostle" I wondered how many would be inclined like me to see the issue as what I call deceptive psychotic personality rather than religion. To my surprise at least most of the discussions and comments I read seem to have not recognized the deception and fakeness of the main character to begin with. Instead they seem to have taken a positive message about that character and some even seems to have been affected by the religious message coming through that character in the movie despite the signs shown against its sincerity and how at least one of the preaching scenes seems to have carried an unavoidable mocking tone. So, ironically, because of that I myself want to focus on religion first here. Is the believe of some in their religion is so not dependent on facts but instead merely on the power of suggestion that they can be affected even by something that itself lacked that much intended showing of sincerity? Could the choosing of a religion look more like toying or, at best,  shopping for things like that?
Of course freedom of religion is very essential. But even better than that is if persons from different believes all of them on their own willingly choose to seek the truth and get into a discussion for that and one of the things I think about doing in the future is that. Although, frankly speaking, I feel envious by how some facts makes it hard for me to argue against not choosing my religion while so many people enjoy the freedom of religion to the level of believing in a religion that if it were filed as a lawsuit it would have been dismissed for failure to state a claim (Christianity in its obscure form as Jesus being the son of God) even before getting into the stage of trying to prove things. 
As much as religion is taken as a response to facts and arguments as much as it could be like a burden especially if those facts and arguments strengthen but still stop short of proving things and instead leaves one feels like stranded in between. However, if there is another person in a similar position but with an opposing view then even if getting into a discussion with him may not convince either to change his view why not lower his burden with mine and mine with his?

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