Friday, July 11, 2014

How I follow religion

It should be understood that just like any religion groups, there is no microchip forcing Muslims to follow anything just claimed on their religion or even with strong support pointing to its existence in their religion. For each his own choices.
Having said that, I want to state that, in case anyone wonder, my choice is the path of justice even assuming it contradict my religion. So don't even imagine that I would stand with things like killing gays based on religious claims. First we have the complication of how, when, by whom and under what condition to follow religious rulings. But still aside from all that, when God sends the one who can make the tree walk and the rock talk giving the ultimate proof that he represent God then I will look at things differently.Until then the path of what we honestly see and truly believe as justice (which has an enormous domain of applications in the religion anyway) is the ultimate one.
One may think because I have my reservations about applying the word "marriage" on gays counterpart of that relation that it would be more probable that someone like me would accept what  I mentioned at the beginning than those who do not have such reservations. I think that,on the contrary, there is a strong argument pointing to the opposite direction.That is because all the problems comes from not recognizing and accepting the existence of all sides at the same time. I am not sure that there isn't considerable percentage of the side who accept applying that word doing that as part of a process of denying their own existence rather than simply more openness to the other side. Such lack of toleration for the existence of the self and the other at same time is what is troubling here.In other words, such acceptance could be stemming from a refusal to the existence of the other side which transformed itself to the process of refusal of the existence of the self with the other side.   

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